Ria Ray is an artform that moves steadily and intentionally through the divine moments of time.
Her artwork is a reflection of her spiritual awakening and an invitation to the viewer to go on this journey with her. For most artists their creation is a culmination of their history and sensibility of the past or present. To Ray it is a combination of both.
“My whole family – my mom, father, brother, sister and uncle – died of carbon monoxide poisoning in our house in Maryland 27 years ago. This was a catalyst for my spiritual awakening, and where I found my art,” said Ray, who moved to Delray Beach from LA.
When you see Ray’s artwork you will be moved by the colors, shapes and textural grandiosity of it. But after meeting the artist you will begin to understand the depth and meaning of its elusive spiritual elements.
Embedded into each of these multi-dimensional mixed media abstract paintings are sacred scriptural messages that lead to a deeper understanding of the artist – and the viewer.
“Each piece I create is a meditational device. It will take you down a sacred journey within yourself to a deeper self-realization and connection. The art serves as protection – which is why some people collect them.”
The word of mouth about her intuitive genius spreads quicker than the winds that define it. She also has a celebrity following, which is nice, but not her definitive goal or something she thinks about often.
Instead, Ray is a moving, breathing spiritual being in touch with her enlightened source of meaning.
That is exactly what drives her to create, and to spread that creation to the viewer of her art.

She knows that each painting’s destiny is preordained. But, unlike some artists, Ray is not worried about its final destination or time-table. The logistics of creation are not in her lexicon. Instead, she is consumed with its meaning, messages and exploration of the truth.
“There is someone out there who goes with each piece. The syn-chronicity of this experience is extraordinary. It’s so sacred.”
That is precisely the reason that Ray has a big following. Her artwork is esteemed and collected by those who want to explore themselves and be transformed by the experience. On the back of each painting Ray writes a poem or sacred message exclusively for the buyer.
“For me art is a means to divinity. It evokes and provokes the deepest part of the unknown from within. People have told me that when they look into my art it speaks to them.”
Ray’s artwork is sculptural and sourced by meaning. Some are rectangular, others circular with color blending between the lines of its creation. But rest assured there is a soulful message through-out them with love as its ethereal anchor.
One of her more colorful paintings has the letters Q&A written above a smoky white space. Below are pink and darker hues of berry and blue. Hearts flow at the bottom of the rectangle space and scrip-tural messages deepen ones curiosity about its ethereal teaching.

The message is often the meaning in Ray’s artwork. The reason being that her spiritual exploration and inner work has transcend-ed the ordinary. Ray is a noted Spiritual Teacher who guides others to find the divinity within and a meaning for their existence in its purist form.
She calls her artwork spiritual landscapes. And, she feels that art should awaken something within the viewer.
Her intention is that each piece take you on a sacred journey within yourself. The viewer, however has to allow themselves to be led to a deeper place of self-realization and connection.
Ray also specializes in what is known as Graffiti Art. These are stream of consciousness messages (or poetry) created for you in your home or business. In recent years this type of modern expression has become a sophisticated art form.
Ray’s past includes working in the fashion industry in NYC. Her grasp of color and texture are second nature to her fixa-tion of mixed media messaging and its soulful calling.
Sometimes it is the darkest moments of our soul that open the portal to something mystical and magical. For Ray that is often a theme. “The death I experienced has been a catalyst for my spiritual awakening. Inside is where I found my art. It is also my gift to help others uncover and heal.”
Ray is also putting music to her poetry, which is an art form in itself. Her depth of feeling and ability to translate soulful messages and poetry is riveting. Her auditory artforms are powerful and transformative, yet meaningful in a deep place that we often forget exists.
To Ray art is medicine. “I think of my art as soul portals and divine talismans of the most magical part of humanity.”
313 NE 3rd Street, Delray Beach
Ria’s solo Exhibition “Memoirs of Destiny” will be in the East Gallery at Arts Warehouse, November 4th to 26th.